Service and repair
Kuni Maskinfabrik A/S performs service, repair and maintenance on presses, adhesive machines, adhesive mixers and conveyor equipment. Contact us for service assistance.
- Replacement of seals in the cylinder
- Milling off of platens
- Reconstruction of hydraulics
- Stop time measurement
- Annual statutory inspection
- Sale of press foil

Adhesive machines
- Grinding and grooving of glue rollers
- Rerubbering of rollers
- Repair of bearings on rollers
- Repair of all mechanical parts
- Manufacturing and installation
of security guards - Installation of new control/electrical box according to the design standard EN 60204-1
Sanding machines:
- Service and spare parts
- Grinding of sanding rollers
- Sanding of through-feed belt
- Basic setting of aggregates
- Milling off of polishing tables
- Annual servicing
- Sale/delivery of Costa spare parts

Grinding of:
- Plane rollers
- Bombarded rollers
- Optiroll rollers
- Sanding rollers
- Forwarding rollers
- Adhesive rollers
Lacquer roller machines:
- Grinding of lacquer/optiroll rollers
- Rerubbering of lacquer rollers
- Hard chrome of dosing rollers
- Repair of diaphragm pumps

Up to 5 metres length on a
CNC-controlled grinding machine
New EPDM rubber quality with springback effect, which reduces pressure marks
as well as the roller changing considerably.
Make use of our experience regarding choice of shore and profiling of glue rollers
in order that the correct amount is applied in the most optimal way.
Rollers are registered with a number on the shaft end, thus the history may be followed.